Monday, June 24, 2013

Political Climate Change

It's been pretty depressing watching the news lately. Watching the major news stations, CNN, MSNBC and even FOX, you don't really get the full picture of how bad things are going for this country. In order to get a real understanding for what is happening and how it has and will effect Americans, you have to listen to talk radio. Glenn Beck, Rush and Sean Hannity. I have to subscribe to The Blaze network to get any information on everything that matters to me. The White House has several high ranking staff members who  have family members, who actually work in 2 of the 3 major news networks, and I am sure that has everything to do with who, what, where, when, and how news is covered. The outing of the IRS scandal even came from a staged question in a news conference. These power hungry, over reaching bureaucrats, can't even be honest, when the are 'trying' to be honest.

As I write this today, I have never been more nervous for my country. This country, it's core belief system, is totally different from it was 30 years ago. And not for the better. If this is progress, we have really screwed up. I grew up in the 70's and 80's, and we were fresh from Vietnam at that time, and also had reason to be afraid of the Soviet Union. I don't remember all the details, but I do remember talk of imposing the draft from time to time, which meant to me that they, (the government) were thinking they may need manpower at some point. I do believe that when I was in high school we had a president that was a true patriot. I believe that he, Reagan, had the USA's best interest at heart and not only knew the importance of our Constitution, but also knew the value of  individual rights guaranteed to us by our Bill of Rights.

Today, the President and his administration have a totally different plan for the country. The decisions that are being made can only turn out really bad for our country. He just made the decision to arm and support the rebels fighting Syria. The Russians are supporting the Syrian government. Now, our current president has, for years criticized the U.S.'s involvement in any other countries wars. But now he has pledged support to a group that has made no secret of their hatred to America and Israel. Not only that, I heard that he will be offering refuge to some of those rebels. Russian President Putin has made clear his thoughts on the decision to arm the rebel.

I don't know about you, but I have kind of enjoyed not having to worry about WW3 or about being at war with Russia for the last 30 years or so.

Here in the U.S. our government is invading our lives through eavesdropping and storing all our calls, emails, social networking. Conservatives and Christians, Jews, and Patriots have been targeted by the IRS who will be in control of our healthcare as of October. A few weeks back there was a 10 year old little girl who needed a lung transplant. Her parents had to go to court to fight a ruling that denied her, by Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius, Secretary of the US Health and Human Services, and long time Democrat Politician, denied the child on the basis of her age. To be honest, I had wondered if her parents might be Republican, Christian, Jew, or Tea Party. I mean if the reigning regime can decide to withhold a tax status depending on what or if you pray, whats to stop them from withholding health care, or certain treatments-if you are the 'kind' of people that pray. A couple of decades ago this would have seemed absurd, and conspiracy theory like. Today, not so much.

We are about to allow amnesty to millions of illegals.  People seem to think that the only illegals,(which is a word we are not suppose to say) are Mexicans. I heard an interview with retired Lieutenant General William G. "Jerry" Boykin,  a year ago, and he said that the southern boarder is where many of the radical Islamist enter our country.(Something else we aren't suppose to say, 'radical Islamist').

They have been tightening gun control, and use every crazy tragedy to justify it. First it was just 'assault style' weapons. But a week or two ago, John Kerry was talking about Obama signing a small arms treaty with the UN. I thought we were a sovereign nation. 10-15 years ago the military was speaking out about  the idea of wearing a UN uniform, now we as citizens, are just gonna hand over our guns? Really? Because the UN says so? Does anybody else have a problem with this? Any regular citizens that don't have their own radio show? What are your thoughts?

I would love to have some feed back on this. If you want to comment and don't want to leave a name use anonymous, my husband does. If you don't want your comment published, just say so, and I won't. I would like to  know what part of the world you may be reading this from. I have a friend, who is Uber intelligent about how the internet works, and she said that many of my hits from  overseas, may have something to do with trolling search engines. If you don't wish to leave comments, could you just anonymously comment what country your reading from?  Again, if you don't want that published on the blog, it won't be.

Friday, June 21, 2013

The Civil War on our Civil Rights, has begun in our Classrooms.

I was reading an article this morning,that was posted in my group page, "Stop Common Core in NH", and this particular excerpt stuck out to me.

 Keep in mind that Outcome Based Education is the same thing as Competency Based Education, which is what Common Core teaches to.

" OBE was implemented in New Hampshire High Schools through a grant from The Nellie Mae Foundation.  The Nellie Mae Foundation's primary goal when offering grants to schools, is to focus on "community organizing efforts".   As you can see on page 1, the focus is not on academic excellence but on community organizing.  Note that Saul Alinsky is referenced at the end of page one."

I am hoping that when I post this blog, the above links stay intact so you can click on the second one and view the PDF file. There is a clear agenda here, and it's not of an academic nature.

The name Saul Alinsky seems random. How has he influenced the foundational efforts in changing how and what our kids are taught? What do I know about Saul Alinsky? I know he died on a street corner from a heart attack when I was a child. He is considered one of the leading "Community Organizers" of our American History. His philosophy's and tactics have been a major influence on both Obama and Hilary Clinton. Clinton even wrote her senior thesis on him while attending Wellesley College. When she was First Lady access to this thesis, was restricted per the White House. Much like Obama's personal records have been sealed since he came into office. I digress. My personal feeling is that if this man is held in honor by Obama and Clinton, two powerful people who at their very core, oppose everything I stand for, and stand for everything I oppose...he is probably not someone I would want my schools to embrace.

Alinsky was described as being "The New Left", and "The New Socialist movement." Many of his efforts were to empower the poor and organize labor unions. I think that we can all agree that the safety laws and protections that we have -(weather you are a union member or not) are because of the unions. Nobody wants to go back to the days of slave labor, cruel bosses, child labor, etc. I do however believe that unions have changed from what the original intent was. This is a somewhat touchy subject in my family because both my husband and my eldest son are union members. The view point from my kitchen window is that it is now more about politics than worker protections. I hate that my household is forced to pay for political candidates races, who's core values, cut into the very fiber of my beliefs. Sure, we have the 'Right to Work' laws in our state, but try to opt out of the union and see how you will be treated. You really only have to look back less than a year, to the mid west, with the automobile and Hostess debacle to see how that turns out. I'm pretty sure that the laws that have passed would stay intact even if the unions went away.

My youngest is in the 6th grade this year. A few weeks ago in his Language Arts class he had a reading assignment on Cesar Chavez. Chavez was a civil rights and union organizer for farm workers in the the 1950's. He did amazing things for the farm workers, in improving their working conditions. In 1977,  he traveled to the Philippines, and endorsed then president Ferdinand Marcos, who was viewed by human rights activists and religious leaders as a brutal dictator. (This last part, was not in the reading assignment) A few days after this assignment, he needed to bring in 2 current events, involving unions found on the internet.

It's seems the more I study, the more I find that people who started out fighting for good, to help the underdog, end up being corrupted. The very people they have tried to empower, end up enslaved. I have also noticed that what the kids are learning is hand picked to show the beginning intent, and not the whole story.

Many of the people that today's Progressives have embraced were fighting for civil rights. Today I see American's civil rights being attacked. American Blacks, Whites, Latinos, Asian's. Especially if you are a conservative Christian, Jew, patriot, or just believe in the government set up for us by our founders. I would imagine that the folks- that are black, and Hispanic, that fought so hard to change the racist climate in this country in the late 1900's are a little frustrated to watch everything they fought for begin to lose ground now. My guess is that Martin Luther King, Jr-might be pretty pissed off at what our country has become in the attack against our Constitution and our Bill of Rights.

Another Civil War against civil rights has started. It just looks different then it did  150 years ago. The enemy has taken siege on our children's minds through rewritten, revisionist history.