Monday, May 27, 2013

Silence is acceptance, Silence is Consent

A couple of weeks ago, I needed to get something out of my car at work. A 30ish something male got out of the car parked next to mine, and I noticed that his license plate had one of those purple heart emblems on it. When the man in it, got out we both walked to the building's entrance at the same time. He smiled and open the door for me as my hands were full, but he stayed outside. I went up to my "office space" and began to get my things together to make my rounds. Being the inquisitive soul that I am, I felt strongly that I need to speak to him. So I set my stuff down and quickly took to the stairs to see if I could find him. He was still outside by the door. I asked him if I could ask him a question. He said, "Of course!" I relayed that I had noticed his plates and wanted to know how he felt about the state of our nation, being that he had fought and had been injured somehow fighting for my liberties and freedoms.  He said it was a mess. I asked him if he was still in contact with people that are serving, and he answered yes that he was. I then asked him, "Given  the information that is finally coming out about Benghazi,"(This was the same week that the hearings with the 'whistle blowers' had started) "how is the morale over there- do they feel like this administration has their backs?" He shook his head and said no. He went on to say that this is bigger than our current president. We talked a bit about the first 9/11 and how things had changed since that attack. I am assuming that was when he enlisted by the age that I presume he is, but I didn't ask. He then asked me if I believed in God. I said yes, that I follow Christ. He told me that he doesn't believe in accidents, meaning we were suppose to be having that conversation at that time. He began to talk about the biblical history of nation of Israel. I understand now that he needed to know if I was believer before he continued because if I was not, anything he would have said would have fallen on deaf ears. After a few minutes of listening to him, I asked him if he had read "The Harbinger". At which point he smiled, and he understood that we were on the same page. (Side note, for a better understanding about what that means, please refer to my blog posts, The Harbinger parts 1-7) As the conversation went on we discussed how where, we are at as a nation is not just the fault of the current administration. That there has been a plan to take down this nation since it's inception and it's dedication to God. When George Washington placed his had on the bible in 1789, his oath and prayer he dedicated this Country to God. In his first Inaugural address, he said,“The propitious smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregard the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."

I believe at that time, the evil one, satan, lucifer, whatever you would like to refer him as, said 'game on'. And so we as a nation have been on a course of self destruction from within ever since. I don't blame Obama for where we are. I do believe that he has an agenda that is so far from what our founders intended that we Christians often confuse him with satan. There is plenty of blame to go around. We in this country have been blessed. And many of us, in our pursuit of all things good, have taken our hands off the wheel. We have allowed agendas to flood into our governments and become laws that are contrary to God's law and will for us. It's been a slow chipping away at our very foundation. Progressivism is not new, it has really been around at least since the late 1800's. It's just seems new because these progressive ideas have been becoming law, and thus are taking away our liberties and freedoms.

So some of us that have been sleeping are now waking up. Because it now effects us personally. But we are the ones to blame. We have allowed it to happen. And to those that say that we should be silent on matters of so called 'politics', I say the very documents of which our country is based affords us the rights, the responsibility to speak out. To protest if you will. If we don't then we will have much more to answer to when we all stand before God. More to answer to than, looking at someone we are not married to with 'lust' in our hearts and minds. More to answer to than, unkind thoughts, and holding grudges. We were giving a gift from the Lord. The gift of being able to live free, worship free. That's under attack. And we have allowed it. Why was the 'chance' meeting with the stranger who received a purple heart, not an accident? Because he reminded me that the state we are in is OUR fault. Our pride. And we don't even see OUR need for repentance.

We have allowed the 'I'm ok, your ok.' thought become away of life, even in our churches. We have allowed the slaughtering of babies become a right. Recently I was told that I needed to honor our President. I really wish I could. I wish I could honor a man who sponsored a bill when he was a senator that made it legal for doctors that had botched abortions, -and the baby actually lives, -to do nothing to care for them, allowing them to die of hunger, or bleed out. I wish that I could honor a man who remained silent, while the monster Gosnell, stood on trial for decapitating babies that were 'suppose to be aborted', but were born whole and alive, kicking and crying. I wish I could honor a man who can't even send someone from his regime to attend a funeral of a fallen soldier, but makes the time for a phone call to a gay NBA star to congratulate him on his 'courage' on coming out. I wish. But I can't. And maybe I will stand before the Lord one day and answer for that.

I noticed a few weeks ago that here on my blog site, I have a much wider audience than I had realized. According to my stats I have people from Russia, Germany, France, the Ukraine, Romania, and China reading my posts. I don't know exactly where these readers are, but I am honored that they read my posts. I wish I knew what they thought of my countries current state. Are they shaking their heads in disbelief that what was once a free and prosperous country is beginning to look like their countries past, or even present? Are they afraid for us? Or are they disgusted that we are blind sheep headed for the slaughter house?

I will close with two of my favorite scriptures. The first is a Truth from my heart.

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

The second is a Truth from the Lord.

"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:14

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The IRS and Senator Jeanne Shaheen

Okay, so in case you have been in a coma the last week, the IRS has finally been outed in the media, and it's actually being taken seriously. I say finally because it has been known among conservative groups for several years that they were being scrutinized beyond what is legal because of their political and religious beliefs. We were called  conspiracy theorist. Even when Glenn Beck held up letters on TV from the IRS, to a 9/12 group, he was again called a conspiracy theorist. Guess what? When you have proof, it's no longer a theory, it's a fact. It seems as though if it doesn't make the mainstream media, it just doesn't happen.

Back in 2010, the Democrat Senate Finance Committee Chairman, Max Baucus  wrote to the IRS, asking them to engage in these practices. Last year he sent another letter, and several other Senate Democrats signed it. You may have heard that NH's, Jeanne Shaheen responded to this scandal by calling it "completely unacceptable". What you may not know, is that she is was actually one of the signers of the second letter to the IRS.

Hon. Douglas H. Shulman
Internal Revenue Service
Room 3000 IR
1111 Constitution Avenue, N.W.

Dear Commissioner Shulman:
We write to ask the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) to immediately change the administrative framework for enforcement of the tax code as it applies to groups designated as “social welfare” organizations. These groups receive tax and other advantages under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code (hereinafter, “IRC” or the “Code”), but some of them also are  engaged in a substantial amount of political campaign activity.  As you know, we sent a letter last month expressing concerns about the 501(c)(4) issue;  an investigation this week by the New York Times has uncovered new, specific problems on how c)4)s conduct  business. We wanted to address those new concerns in this letter.

IRS regulations have long maintained that political campaign activity by a 501(c)(4) entity must not be the “primary purpose” of the organization.  These regulations are intended to implement the statute, which requires that such organizations be operated exclusively for the public welfare.  But we think the existing IRS regulations run afoul of the law since they only require social welfare activities to be the 'primary purpose' of a nonprofit when the Code says this must be its 'exclusive' purpose. In recent years, this daylight between the law and the IRS regulations has been exploited by groups devoted chiefly to political election activities who operate behind a facade of charity work.

A related concern, raised in a March 7th New York Times article, concerns whether certain nonprofits may be soliciting corporate contributions that are then treated by the company as a business expense eligible for a tax deduction. The Times wrote:  “Under current law, there is little to no way to tell whether contributions are being deducted, especially because many of the most political companies are privately held.” This potential abuse distorts the objectives of vital revenue mechanisms and undermines the faith that we ask citizens to place in their electoral system.

We propose that the IRS make three administrative changes to curtail these questionable practices and bring IRS tax regulations back into alignment with the letter and spirit intended by those who crafted the Code:

·         First, we urge the IRS to adopt a bright line test in applying its “primary purpose” regulation that is consistent with the Code’s 501(c)(4) exclusivity language. The IRS currently only requires that the purpose of these non-profits be “primarily” related to social welfare activities, without defining what “primarily” means. This standard should be spelled out more fully by the IRS.  Some have suggested 51 percent as an appropriate threshold for establishing that a nonprofit is adhering to its mission, but even this number would seem to allow for more political election activity than should be permitted under the law.  In the absence of clarity in the administration of section 501(c)(4), organizations are tempted to abuse its vagueness, or worse, to organize under section 501(c)(4) so that they may avail themselves of its advantages even though they are not legitimate social welfare organizations. If the IRS does not adopt a bright line test, or if it adopts one that is inconsistent with the Code’s exclusivity language, then we plan to pursue legislation codifying such a test.

·         Second, such organizations should be further obligated to document in their 990 IRS form the exact percentage of their undertakings dedicated to “social welfare.” Organizations should be required to “show their math” to demonstrate that political election activities and other statutorily limited or prohibited activities do not violate the “primary purpose” regulation.

·         Third, 501(c)(4) organizations should be required to state forthrightly to potential donors what percentage of a donation, if any, may be taken as a business expense deduction. As the New York Times reported in its March 7tharticle, some of these organizations do not currently inform donors whether a contribution is tax deductible as a business expense at all.

The IRS should already possess the authority to issue immediate guidance on this matter. We urge the IRS to take these steps immediately to prevent abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election activities.  But if the IRS is unable to issue administrative guidance in this area then we plan to introduce legislation to accomplish these important changes.


Senators Charles E. Schumer, Michael Bennet, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jeff Merkley, Tom Udall, Jeanne Shaheen and Al Franken

The following are just a few liberal and progressive organizations that I am sure had no problem getting there 501(c)(3) or (4) approved.. Just Saying. Civic Action is a 501(c)(4) organization which primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. Political Action is a federal political committee which primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. Political Action and Civic Action are separate organizations.

(Think Progress ) The Center for American Progress Action Fund is a non-partisan, 501 (c)(4) organization dedicated to achieving progress through action.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
501 Front St., Norfolk, VA 23510 | 757-622-PETA (7382) | 757-622-0457 (fax)
PETA is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) corporation

Your contribution to Planned Parenthood Federation of America is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowable under the law.

Silence is acceptance, Silence is Consent.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Freedom of Speech, The 1st Amendment

While many of us have been biding time, just waiting for this Administrations time in history to be done, there has been a covert attack on our 1st Amendment rights. Many of us have seen it and have been praying for the truth to come out, especially over the last year. In case the only headlines you have seen this past week are Angelina's double mastectomy, or that OJ is going back to court-Here are a few scandals that affect you.

. When this incident, (that could have been avoided) occurred, the White House Administration lied about everything from the cause to what had actually occurred. Where does the 1st Amendment come in on this? The high ranking, career government officials that were actually over there were told to lie. When they yarn was told they were told to be silent. When Gregory Hicks questioned the WH's lies, he was demoted. This is why the men who bravely spoke up at the hearing last week are called Whistle Blower's. (A person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing.)

They, Obama and his top officials continue to lie and rewrite history even though they have been caught in their lies because everything they say is video and audio recorded. Why?

The IRS. The IRS has just been outed for targeting conservative organizations. Specifically any that have the name Patriot, 9/12 or Tea Party in the name and or any group that was teaching the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and or spoke against expanded government. As the tale unfolds, we find out that they have also targeted both Christian and Jewish groups. Once these groups were under scrutiny, they were sent endless pages of questionnaire's about their organizations. Here are some of the questions and information that they were expected to answer for:

Provide details of your donor and volunteers. Provide copies of all activity done on social media, Facebook, Twitter, of both you and your groups interactions. Provide details of all your advertising and any pamphlets you have used. List all the issues that are important to your group. List your groups position on each of these issues. List all the organizations that your group works with, including all communications regarding legislation and political candidates and legislators. Provide written transcripts of all speeches and activities with the news media. Provide resumes for all employees and their family members.

Specific questions asked of the Jewish groups, "Do you support the existence of the land of Israel, and describe your religious belief toward the land of Israel."

Obama-,  "The IRS," he said, "as an independent agency, requires absolute integrity." Lies. Does he even know the definition of Integrity?

The only agency that Obama takes any responsibility for is Seal Team 6, and 'getting' Bin Laden. Does he know how 20 members of the seals and 10 other special forces got shot down? Hmm.

So how does this affect you? Do you belong to a conservative group? Do you belong to a church? Instead of suggesting that people who don't like this country move elsewhere, why not wake up and realize that there is a concerted effort to silence and cripple patriots and people of faith. We need to hold the government and the news media accountable, with our voices and our votes. Silence Is Acceptance; Silence Is Consent. Just Saying.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Benghazi 101

I am utterly fascinated how something as important as the Benghazi hearings is getting little to no coverage by the mainstream media. Some woman who killed her boyfriend is getting the airplay instead. Back in January, I wrote, "Something To Believe in" At that time Hillary was giving her testimony on Benghazi and made that comment those of us who are following this travesty will remember, "With all due respect, the fact is we had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans? What difference at this point does it make?" Dumfounded, I could not believe this is how she responds at the hearing, or that the media seemed to accept it. What was getting airplay that same week? Armstrong admitted he doped, Beyonce lip synced, and some football player got played. And that's what the  media reported on.

We have several witnesses who had been threatened to be silent, but have finally come forward with the facts of what led up to, what happened during the terrorist attack, and what followed with the cover up, days after and even today. We know and the liberal media will now admit that the attack had nothing to do with a You Tube video. However, even this morning Rachel Maddow, in her monolog mocked those that testified. She also took pot shots at Glenn Beck, one of the few political commentators who has continuously asked questions that no one has wanted to answer. He made statements early on, months ago alluding to the thought that there was something bigger going on than what was being reported. If she had bothered to watch any of House oversight hearing testimony, and compared it to what Beck had said months ago, she may have to admit that our administration is corrupt. But no, She is the type that look at a glass of water and will call it sand with a straight face and condescending smile. Many things that were said months ago and swept under the carpet have been confirmed under oath now. The White House had been told they need to heighten security at the embassy, there were people told to 'stand down', Mr. Hick's and others were told to not speak of the incident, and how these men died does matter.

Will the truth take?
  Has the mainstream media become monotone version of Entertainment Tonight? 
        Will people wake up and demand the media to cover the stories that matter?