Wednesday, June 4, 2014

59 Reasons, (and counting) Why Americans Need to Vote in their State Primary.

1)     It’s more important to elect a man or woman of INTEGRITY, than one with a well-known name.

2)    It’s our responsibility to leave the frame work of our government as it was intended by our forefathers to our kids.

3)    Veterans died on our soil because the government agency called The Veterans Administration, had a secret and unreported list of patients. Those that kept such lists received bonuses.

4)    Because we now know that Death Panels are secret lists.

5)    The people who get elected, appoint the people that run corrupt government agencies, often for life.

6)    NH Senator Jean Shaheen was among 6 Senators that signed a letter to the IRS to urged them to scrutinize pro life, pro liberty, and pro-Israel and other 501c(3) organizations. And that should make you angry.

7)    Because if you want to drink a 32 ounce soda, some progressive putz from NY, shouldn’t be able to decide you can’t.

8)    Because some appointed ‘educator’ decided that it’s not important our children learn cursive writing and be able to read the documents written by the men and women that founded our country.

9)    Because there are only so many hours that you can work to support your family and the families of others that choose not to work.

10) Because there are way too many government agencies that intrude and infringe on our rights.

11)  Because a government agency called the Bureau of Land Management thinks its OK to shoot a ranchers cows.

12) Because Obama’s campaign to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour sounds good, but will put millions of Americans out of work.

13) Because raising the minimum wage to $15, will translate into an $8 cheeseburger at the McDonalds drive thru.

14) Because life is not a spectator sport. 

15) Because whenever unemployment statistics are released, they only include people receiving unemployment compensation, and do not reflect the number of people actually out of work.

16) Because when the Feds release any statistics, it sounds like the “Ministry of Truth” out of the novel “1984”

17) Because staying home isn’t working out for the rest of us.

18) Because if your team loses the Super Bowl, it doesn’t affect you at all. If Liberty loses another election, we are all screwed.

19) Because some people in other parts of the country have to pay a rain tax.

20)Because Obama often breaks the law when he ‘uses his pen’.

21) Because both parties in Congress have broken their oaths and allowed corruption to spread.

22)Because Congress needs to be fired.

23)Because it’s up to us to take more than a passing interest in our aging parents.

24)Because the Welfare, and Food Stamp program has doubled in size in the last 6 years.

25)Because there is no accountability or expiration date for welfare programs.

26)Because every government program is supported by your tax dollars. The money is not dropped shipped from outer space.

27) Because you know it’s the right thing to do.

28) Because citizens in other countries can’t.

29)Because Obama just negotiated with terrorists and released five of the worst leaders in   terrorism.

30) Because you didn’t get to keep your Doctor.

31) Because the author of the new Nationalized Health Care system is not a Doctor.

32)Because voting is free, but staying home could cost you everything.

33)Because millions of Americans are forced to pay dues to an organization that promotes Candidates that don’t reflect their views or beliefs.

34)Because in 2012 the National Education Association paid out $18.1 million collected from teachers. 95% went to Democratic Candidates, and 5.9 million went to lobbying. Many of these teachers would not have financially supported these candidates on their own.

35)Because we as a nation need to stop tolerating failure.

36)Because we have to stop rewarding bad behavior.

37) Because the term "Sloppy Seconds" should only be used to described last night's Italian Dinner, and not the General Election. We have an abundance of Liberty, Freedom, and Integrity on Primary's (Sept 9th) menu. Order up what you REALLY want, not what your Party is telling you.

38) Because last year the DC shut down the government, and closed off our National Monuments to the all of us including our Veterans, when it cost nothing to keep them open.

39)Because thinking ‘someday’ it will be better, isn’t working.

40) Because we need more living registered voters to vote than dead ones.

41) Because even America’s Bagdad Bob,~ Jay Carney, can’t continue lying.

42)Because a family Bakery should be able to refuse to make a wedding cake for anybody and for any reason.

43)Because gay athletes get more support from the White House than an unjustly imprisoned American Marine.

44)Because Gun Control laws mean nothing to Criminals.

45)Because in 1993 NH had 23 Health insurance carriers, today we have 1. That was NH’s Jean Shaheen’s doing.

46)Because someone that JUST moved to NH, cannot and should not be a US Senator representing NH.

47) Because there is no term limits for those in DC, and it’s up to all of us to send them back home to the reality that they have made.

48) Because a Revolution that begins at the ballot box, is preferable to the alternative.

49)Because current lawmakers are making gender neutral restrooms a reality. And that is just wrong.

50)  Because The Department of Justice, led by the President and Eric Holder have initiated a program called "Operation Choke Point" which is designed to destroy 'certain businesses' through regulations, using banks and insurance companies. This is done by causing these 2 industries to refuse services. These service are essential for the business community. In NH, the most recent target is SHOOTER'S OUTPOST in Hooksett.

51) Because many of the recent mass shootings could ended sooner, with much less loss of life, if one law abiding citizen had been allowed to carry a gun concealed or otherwise. Criminals and the mentally ill, don't obey 'Gun Free Zones.'

52)Because Government Bureaucrats and Big Business want you to stay home, defy them.

53)Because if you don't, Big Business and Government Bureaucrats get to decide who is on the ticket in November, and they pick candidates that further their agenda regardless who win

54)Because there is a difference between being political and doing your CIVIC responsibility.

55)Because Agenda 21 is a real, even if you know nothing about it. It is and will continue to violate your God given rights.

56)Because the UN should have no Authority in the US.

57) Because Obama didn't have anything to do with the creation of the internet and he has no business giving any global rights to do with it away

58)Because the CRISIS of thousands of children at our US-Mexico border was indeed, created by Obama and his Amnesty plan. And some of those 'kids' look like they are 35 years old.

59)Because being offended, and the PC police are pathetic. Every “offensive” issue that is being pushed is being pushed the white elite, and the group of people being ‘showcased’ could care less. We have more important things to deal with.


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