Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stirring the pot

Alrighty then. I'm going to stir the pot a bit.

Remember when Trump was running for office and he would state the obvious and we all thought that was "GREAT”? The first thing that comes to mind for me is when he spoke out against sanctuary cities when Kate Steinle was shot by the illegal Mexican that had been deported 5 TIMES. This illegal had at least 6 felony convictions before murdering Kate. San Francisco refused to cooperate with ICE and hold him for deportation and released him after a short stay on a drug charge April 15, 2015. On July 1, 2015, after "finding" a gun, he killed her. He was found not guilty for murder, but guilty of being a felon with a firearm...

So, Trump called out sanctuary cities, and suggested that illegal criminals be deported (and the crowd went wild). YES, finally someone was stating the obvious. He then continued to say other things that most of us were thinking yet didn't have a platform to voice.  He was politically incorrect. And we liked that.

Now when I get into conversation about Trump’s ramblings, and his Twitter account, I am not talking about him being anti PC. I am talking about when he is calling people names, attacking their looks, and just generally being a putz. When he acts out that way on social media, or at some speech engagement, he isn’t being cool or politically incorrect, he is being rude. He IS the freaking President of the United States. We should be able expect better from him.

Yes, he has done some great things. The economy is good, people are working. He has untied the hands of our military and we are making progress on cleaning up our illegal immigration issues. And deplorables like myself are enjoying some tax decreases and bonuses. So yes, he is doing some good stuff. But does that mean he gets a pass on dishonorable behavior?

If you have a child that gets an “A” on his spelling test, hits 2 home runs, and does all his chores, but mocks his sister at every turn and taunts the next-door neighbors kid~do you give him a pass because he got that “A” on a test? I hope not. That behavior needs to be called out. And when you make excuses, or act like it does not matter, credibility is lost.

I keep hearing how people cannot understand how our society got to where we are right now. It’s because we have bought into thought process that all things are ok. We can no longer expect respectable behavior, cause “our side won”. Truth is, if our former president had said any of the things that Trump has said, “our side” would be calling for impeachment.

I think we should keep in mind, that while we adults cheer him on, regardless of what he says or who he is cyber bullying, (yes, that is what it is called, when he personally attacks someone), keep in mind when we approve, the kids are also watching.

#JustSaying #KeepItReal #NoMoreExcuses

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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Left and their "Pressure Campaigns"

Earlier this week I heard about several companies that cut ties with the NRA. They caved to the left who is totally taking advantage of the latest school shooting and upping their game on gun control.  A game it is, and the stakes are high.   

When the left is mobilized, for whatever reason they create these “pressure campaigns” There is a Global advocacy/activist group called, that poured on  “pressure” to Best Western and Wyndam hotels after Sandy Hook, to sever ties with the NRA, and they succeeded.

I recently subscribed to a few Left leaning websites as to get an idea of what they are doing, and they are not going to let up. They most recently posted “Exclusive” FedEx’s secret deal with the NRA and the gun industry. From what I can tell it's just a list of businesses that are allowed to use 2 day shipping instead of overnight. (Oh my gosh, say it isn't so!!)

In 2016, a LGBTQ rights group started a “pressure” campaign against FedEx to pull ties with the NRA, but so far…have not been sucessful.

They will continue to go after any businesses that deal in any way or give discounts to NRA members. To be honest, as a Lifetime NRA member, I don’t think I have ever taking advantage of any discounts offered. That is not why I became a member. I became a member after Sandy Hook, when left started with once again using the deaths of children to chip away at our Bill of Rights. I expect guns sales, and NRA memberships to increase over the next few months after the Florida shooting.

If you are a gun owner, and if we want to stop this madness, we need to take a page from the Left’s books. We don’t need to wear pink hats, stage walk outs,die in's or resort to calling names. We do need to pay attention to who is pandering to the left. Which companies are making the wrong choices, as well as which ones are making the right ones. I do believe in boycotts. Money and power, power and money. As individuals we cannot accomplish a whole lot. But together, the like minded can move mountains.

This is a post of mine from a week ago, 

Alrighty then. So true to form, the left is taking advantage of this latest tragedy. It's part of their play book. They always demonize the NRA. And now the crazies and paid demonstrators want to "KILL THE NRA." So, I feel like talking about the NRA. The National Rifle Association is just that. It's an association made up of over 5 million people. People like me. Why do people like me join an association such as this? Because even though we do our best to vet the people that we put into office, trusting that they are going there...(the statehouse) or (DC) to uphold the Constitution and our Bill of Rights, many lose their souls when they take the oath of office. The NRA is our mouthpiece. They are not terrorists. They are made up of law abiding, peace loving, truck drivers, pastors, waitresses, janitors, factory workers, doctors, nurses, retail clerks, salesmen and women, firemen, police, military and yes, teachers. They go to work every day, take their kids to work and practice, volunteer in churches, soup kitchens, Girl and Boy Scouts, and in the schools. Many of us work more than one job, and don't have time to write our congress person every time a mentally unstable or a criminal goes on a killing spree. We are busy doing life. The NRA does what we don't always have time to do, watch our backs. I am the NRA.

When the left “pressures” businesses to cut ties with the NRA, they are trying to punish people like me and you. Can you imagine if just 20% of the 5 million NRA members boycotted one of these companies? They would be done. I think pandering to the left would stop. Maybe businesses would just do business and stay out of politics. We won’t know unless we try. As it is now they are not gonna stop.

The List of Businesses that severed ties with the NRA:
True Car, Hertz, Avis, Budget Rental Car, Enterprise, Alamo (thank goodness for UBER),National, Best Western, Wyndham hotels, LifeLock (that is disappointing) Wild Apricot, Teladoc, Republic Bank, Securian Financial Group, Delta Airlines, United Airlines, Norton, First National Bank of Omaha is pulling the NRA Visa card, Allied Van Lines and North American Van Lines, Symantec, Starkey Hearing Technologies, SimpliSafe (super bummed about this one, it was on the list to get), Paramount Rx, Metlife, Republic Bank, Vinesse Wines, Chubb, Lockton.

Imagine what we could do if we paid attention to where we spend our money.


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Thursday, February 22, 2018

The .1%~Thursday Thoughts, Pelosi

Sometimes I just laugh out loud, whilst working by myself in the wee hours of the morning. This week’s entertainment is brought you by Congress woman Nancy Pelosi.

Congresswoman Pelosi was speaking at a Phoenix Arizona Townhall, against the Trump tax cuts. She was saying how it does not reflect American values and how Martin Luther King was against income inequality. Google the video, its all over the internet.(1) (2)

She said, “…most people have to struggle to make ends meet...," when a woman in the audience shouts, “How much are you worth Nancy, are you in abject poverty?”

Nancy responds, “We are not talking about that.”

(I’m thinking, but you are speaking about income inequality, right?)

In a recent speech she said that the $1,000 bonuses that some companies would be able to award their employees were “crumbs.”

Why would someone say that? 

Pelosi is a Representative for the State of California, but she does not actually represent the typical Californian or any American from any state for that matter. The average median income of the American Family is $58,000 a year. (4)

In 2014, she ranked 15th out of 50 of Congress’s most wealthy public “servants”

In 2014 her net worth was $101,273,023.(3) Ah I get it, that’s why $1,000 would not mean squat to her.

She was elected to Congress 30 years ago, and has never left. (Excellent case for term limits)
She is not in the “2%” that we often hear about, she is actually in “.1%” (That means she is SUPER RICH)

I’m guessing she has not offered to take a pay cut to help balance a budget, so those numbers are probably on the low side now.

I am not a person that speaks out about income inequality. I don’t hate on people that have a higher net worth then I. Nor do I think that the rich should be punished for doing well. After all, a high percentage of the wealthy actually employ us blue collars. Because of them, we have a reason to get up in the morning, leave the cave, slay some meat and drag it home for our families to feast upon.

That being said, when someone is opening up a conversation about income inequality, they must be able to hold a conversation. Not shut down the conversation when it gets uncomfortable or does not meet the canned and memorized mantra.

Especially when you make a living off the backs of working class Americans at approximately $200,000 a year, have a primo healthcare package, run around the country in jets fueled by taxpayers, and of course pass laws associated with tax increases and fines before reading them. 

*note to self. When you know that a Pelosi news bite is coming up, put down the coffee. It's not meant to come out your nose.

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