Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Abortion Thru The Ages, Then And Now.

I wish to preface this blog by saying that, if you are reading this and you have had an abortion, I am not judging you. I do hate that abortion exists. I do not understand the passion that people have when defending it. I do not hate women that have had abortions. I cannot imagine the circumstances that got you to that decision. I wish that someone had been there to support you to make a decision for life and then stuck around to walk with you through it and beyond. All that being said, this is graphic. And it needs to be said. Most people try to think about abortion as a simple, legal procedure, or not think about it at all. There is nothing simple about it. For every abortion that takes place, two peoples lives, will be forever changed.
Abortion is not a new concept. The methods used to end a pregnancy have not evolved a whole lot. Thousands of years ago, sharp stick-like objects, were put into a woman's vagina with the intent to cause harm, physical trauma, and to stop the life growing with in.
Women have been using herbs, and poisons to end pregnancies. If a woman went to a midwife, or a then 'healthcare provider', she may have been advised to do vigorous labor, and have heavy objects such as rocks piled on her belly. Women were also told to sit on a steaming pot of onions. Tightly binding the mid section of a woman's body was another way to induce early labor to end a pregnancy.
Barbaric practices you might say. Yeah, we are so much more civilized now, said with sarcasm. Instead of a stick, a candle or a coat hanger there are a surgical instruments.
Instead of sitting on a pot of steam, they, in recent times have, used a syringe to drain amniotic fluid, and then deliver saline, (an extremely strong salt solution), into the abdomen to poison and kill the baby. This abortion can take up to 5 days to be complete. Complications such as the saline entering the woman's bloodstream and causing brain damage or death, to the woman, resulted in many countries, including Japan, to give this practice up in the 1960's. At that time, the U.S. ignored medical journals advising against this procedure. The last written record of this type of abortion, in the U.S. was in the mid 1990's. A complication that no abortionist wants to have would be having  the baby born alive. The survival rate for the baby is high, using saline. This fact had contributed it to being fazed out. I read that doctors do not have to report abortions that end in live births. I have attached a 4 min video of a story from a woman who survived a saline abortion. http://youtu.be/y5PlZzpfHQI
Suction abortion, or Vacuum aspiration. This procedure can be used in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, for the purpose of ending it. It is also used as a tool to aide in a D&E or Dilation and Evacuation, in the second trimester, (13-24 weeks). The D&E is when the cervix is dilated, and contents of the uterus are removed. Forceps are used to pull what they call 'tissue' out of the birth canal. After 20 weeks, it becomes difficult to use this method because this tissue is "tough". It would be interesting to note that this 'tissue' has a heartbeat that can be seen and heard on a ultra scan (sonogram) at 5-6 weeks.
Instead of a mixture of herbs and poisons, now you can just pop a few pills. These days, there has been a big push to make the RU486, pill accessible to anyone. I think that I first heard of that drug 6-7 years ago. I remember thinking, 'Isn't that clever RU486, (Are You For 86), 86 being the term we sometimes use when we want to get rid of, forget, dispose, discard or reject something." Marketing and Branding, can be a very powerful tool. Currently using the RU486 method can take days-to weeks to induce an abortion. It is suppose to require 3 visits to the Doctor. At the 1st visit, the woman is examined and given the RU486 pills to be taken in the presence of the abortionist. Two days later, she goes back and is given the drug prostaglandin, which is either taken orally or inserted vaginally. This will cause her to go into labor. The process to expel the baby can take anywhere from 4 to 20 hours. She will return for a follow up visit 14 days from the 1st visit, to find out if the baby is partially or totally aborted. If there are still baby remains, or there is still a heartbeat, she will then be advised to schedule a surgical abortion. Risks for women using RU486 include, but are not limited, to prolonged, heavy bleeding (10-44 days), nausea, extreme cramping, headache, diarrhea, skin rash, allergic reaction and vomiting. The far reaching effects to be realized on the future children of these women is yet to be known. RU486 cost $300–$800.

 Today, the abortion activists are trying to influence the law, so you wouldn't even have to see a medical professional in person, to get that prescription. You would be able to obtain it online.

When did the abortion movement get so organized? That's next.

Right Beside You Building 429

Monday, October 29, 2012

Over 53 Million

 There have been more than 53 million abortions performed in the United States since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.

I have made comments on my FB wall about the lies that are told about abortion. At times, I have been told not to judge. I wasn't. At least that was not my intention. I decided the last time that I would try to refrain from posting short remarks that can be misunderstood when taken out of context. I would try to save my thoughts for the blog. That way if someone wants to read them, they actually have to go to the link rather than random comments just showing up on their news feed.

I am soon to begin a series of blogs on abortion. I would like to expose to those that don't know, the origins of Planned Parenthood. I would like not to just speak for those babies that were never given a chance to speak for themselves, but I would also like to give their mothers' a voice. There have been 53 million babies killed since Roe.vs. Wade was decided in 1973. That means that there are 53 million women walking around today, with the physical and emotional ramifications of that decision. This is something that the abortions rights political machine, will not talk about or even aknowledge. I have several friends that have had abortions. It was a decision that they did not make lightly, and most of them have regrets.

If you have made this life altering decision and wish your story to be told, please contact me, through my Inbox on FB. I know through tracking the traffic on how people reach my blog, that most get to it through FB. If you, or if you know someone that would like to have their stories told, contact me. Your identity will be protected, and your story can be told. Your not alone.

What got you to that decision? How were you treated at that clinic? How was your aftercare? Were there complications? Looking back, how has it shaped your life? How is your health today? If you were able to go back to that day, and talk to the you of that time, what would you want her to know.

An entire generation has been born and have grown to adulthood since abortion became a 'legal right', in this country. That's one of the arguments I hear all the time. "It's legal, so it must be ok." Slavery was once legal in this country, and that did not make it ok. Let me say that another way, 'It was once a legal right to own a person, and do whatever, and to make that person do whatever you wanted to. You could beat, torture and kill a person.' You were protected by law. It was your right. It was, and is still wrong.

My hope in writing this series is to uncover the abortion industry for what it was when it was organized. I don't wish to demonize the women that make this 'choice', but rather to expose the political monster that hide behind and use them to further their agenda.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things That Annoy, 1-5

I started to blog 10 months ago. The title I picked for my blog is self explanatory. It's what I do for a living. Being that it is not exactly an occupation that requires a whole lot of interaction with others, it leaves me with a whole lot of time to think, obsess even, about everything. I don't consider myself to be a "what about, or why me?" type person. I generally know when I have stepped in something and brought the stink upon myself. That's not to say I don't have pet peeves about life, and the people that make up life, including myself. I do have a low tolerance for stupid.

Here, is part 1 of Things That Annoy.


1. People who spit chewing tobacco, or gum or pizza into an urinal. That's just gross.

2. People that see you coming, and pull out in front of you anyhow, while turning their head in the other direction. Like if they don't look, the accident won't happen or maybe they just put great faith in my mad Ninja skills.

 3. How many calories are in a .89 Cent-32oz-no ice Pepsi. There is really nothing empty about those calories. They still make me fat. #Ihavenoselfcontrol.

4. Political commercials. They all lie. I DO, love my DVR, fast forwarding make my brain hurt less.

5. Bullies. I kind of miss the days when we could knock them down a few peg's without getting in trouble with the law.

How about you? Can you relate? What are your annoyances? Am I the only one?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pay It Forward Connections.

Whats next? Prayer. I think there will be much more prayer time in my future. This country, We The People, will depend on it. I will also continue to write about things that I am passionate about. I have decided, (all you cat lovers will appreciate this), that I will probably not be writing about my disdain for cats. After writing about churches and this year's election, I have felt that the subject of 'CATS' would be way too controversial.

I will be getting back to my "Bucket List" dated 7/10/12. Today I am one step closer to debt freedom as I have paid off my personal loan. So now it's down to one credit card and the mortgage. On paper, it will be in 8 years. #2 on that list was to learn to horseback ride. I have had only one lesson since writing that. My back went out a couple of weeks ago, so I need to get that straight, (pun intended) before the lessons resume.

#10 on the list was, ...be in full time ministry. I want to start a ministry that brings people together to help each other, all the while pointing them to Jesus. Knowledge of salvation is free. The ministry is based on the fact that everyone has a gift or skill that someone else can use, and those that are gifted and skilled also have needs that others can fulfill. Those who accept help will be expected to sign a contract to help others when needs arise. No outright handouts. Not a social program. No entitlements. I have decided not to wait to start this until I'm debt free. I see the needs being too great. I won't be able to do it full time, but it will get started. I have been calling it Pay It Forward Connections. That name may already be copyrighted or trademarked. I need to check all that out.

I hope to a have small businesses donate time, materials or both to the ministry by way of a promise.

Here, is an example of how this will work:

Joe the plumber has promised to donate x amount of parts and labor to the ministry. Ministry gets a call from a mom who's husband is deployed. She has a plumbing issues that she just can't fix or afford to deal with. Joe will take care of the issue and write off expenses. Mom has signed a contract that commits her, time, and or talents to the problem that someone else in the network may have. For instance, She may be an awesome cook. Maybe she could be called on to prepare food for Joe, or someone else in the network should the need arise. Maybe there is an elderly person that needs occasional rides to appts., or their house needs cleaning, but they can iron or mend clothes. Maybe someone is unable to mow their lawn, but is able to babysit a couple of kids. Someone else may able donate grocery store gift cards for when people have those lean times, but don't have time to rake their leaves. Someone could be a computer whiz, while being totally ignorant how to live within a budget. They could be linked up with someone who's problem is the opposite. People don't have to give and take from the same people, but there is a source that they can pull from.

The list could go on and on. We all have gifts and talents. Most of us would help in a situation if we knew and were able to. This will be a network that will connect people. The contract will not be a legal document. It's a promise to do what you can, when you can. However, if you don't seem willing to meet the expectations in the contract, once you have received help, you will be dropped from the network. This will not be a simple handout. Not another social program. It can be done better than the government.

20 years ago I was told by a counselor that I was codependent. The result of growing up in an alcoholic family. One of the traits of the co-dependent is to try to fix things all the time. Fix people all the time. To take control, because growing up you have no control over what is happening around you. I have decided not to look at that as being a negative quality. I choose to think of myself as a 'find a need and fill it' type person. Proverbs 3:27,28; "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. Do not say to your neighbor, "Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you"—when you already have it with you.

This will be a Hands and Feet of Jesus ministry. Because...He is Still On The Throne.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Pickle

"I am voting for a president, not a Pastor." "This year, I am voting as an American, not as a Christian." "We have no choice, we can't afford 4 more years of Obama." "At least he has family values" "If you don't vote for Romney, it's a vote for Obama." "I am voting for economics, and for someone that can get our country back on track."

These are all examples of what I have been hearing the last few weeks. Passion and desperation goes hand in hand. The whole point of me researching the Mormon faith has not been to try to persuade anyone how to vote. Rather it has been not to vote blindly. To look at the implications, especially from God's word, and what He has told us. We Americans have got ourselves in to a pickle. Remember that game from our past? Three people play. Two people have control of the ball, the one in the middle tries to avoid getting tagged out. We have been tagged out; we just don't realize it yet.

4 years ago we voted in a man that nobody really knew anything about. In this last term, we have seen our country slide down the slippery slope of socialism. One of Obama's favorite quotes is "Everyone need to do their 'fair share'." We have watched our country become more of a nanny state than it ever has been before. Programs that were meant as a helping hand, to get out of 'tough situations' have become a lifestyle choice. And to be fair, it started before Obama. He just believes that he is 'entitled' to take our money and give it to the ones that 'deserve' it.

Someone like Romney, shouldn't say that he will never get the votes of the "47%.", because they fear of losing their 'benefits.' His net worth is so astronomical that saying something like that sounds bad to even his supporters. I can say that. I can make comments like that because I clean toilets. I have that job that people use to, compare something to another job, when trying to make the point that things could be a lot worse.

When I hear, "I am voting for a president, not a pastor." It makes me wonder. Do you think that Romney's upbringing, his belief system, his core values, his Christian worldview won't affect his presidency? Do you also think that has been the case for Obama's term? Don't you think that his policy making, his actions or inaction's have been largely based on his upbringing, and the people that helped shape his life. I was recently reminded about these people while watching the movie, "Obama's America 2016." I had forgotten about all the Rev. Wrights  that had surfaced, caused a small media circus only to disappear again. Where did they go?

14 days til election day. I started this blog subject with; The Sky Is Falling on Oct. 9th. It was a reaction to something my son had said about feeling let down by some of the people he has always respected. Feeling like they sold out to someone that he had been taught to understand was in a cult, all because they were following the republican party. Digging deeper, I think it also has to do with the influence that his union has had on him. We are a union family. It's a tough place to be when the party that you want to support, want to tie the hands of the people that want to protect your job, as well as keep you safe on the job. Equipment  and adequate personnel, are important. Our police officers, firemen, and public works employees-their lives depend on it.

I have taken different bible-book studies on cults over the years, so I had some information to start with. As I collected information from different sources, the constant fall-back source was the Bible. Nothing I found has shown me that Mormonism is anything but a false doctrine. I think it's that black and white. If that has made me look like a religious bigot, then there you have it. I am. I have noticed that I have gotten less public support over this past week, as opposed to other posts I have written. But people are coming to me privately, inbox, phone, in person to say that they have felt the same way, and are glad I am saying it out loud. Sometimes it is unpopular to speak the truth. Especially when you back it up with scripture. It's hard to argue with God's word. Sometimes it's hard to be the 'Outcast'. At one point when I said to someone that I can't vote for either one, I was told that then I would be giving Obama my vote. I honestly think that corruption runs so deep on both sides, that my one vote, won't make a bit of a difference. Maybe if, we actually elected people by popular vote it would matter, but we don't.

A Funny story. Last Tuesday, after hearing that I would be voting for Obama by default, a couple of times, I was talking to a friend about it. She was over doing laundry, and had just gotten caught up on my blogs, and had read a couple that were to be posted later that week.(She has no internet at home) I won't say her name, but it rhymes with Pizza Barker. I asked her if people will think I'm nuts when I start talking about God's hand of protection lifting from our country. She was answering me something about 'like minded Christians will understand what I am trying to say,' when the earth started rumbling, and shaking. Yup, that's what we were doing during the earthquake. It was hilarious! Scary, but too funny. Am I saying that God orchestrated that earthquake to take place during this particular conversation? No. I'm not that arrogant. But it was priceless. If your reading this, and don't live in NH, an earthquake that registers at a 4, on the scale, is a big deal in these parts. It doesn't happen a whole lot. In fact, I have lived here all my life, 47 years, and that's the first one I ever felt. We usually hear about it on the news after the fact.

I am kind of a conspiracy theorist. I have read the first book, the last book, and the ones in the middle. It's only recently, like the last 20 years, that I have been able to imagine how everything might come together. Just cause your paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you.

Thank God, He is still on the Throne.