Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Election Day

I decided I don't have to vote for who I think can win back the white house. Today I will vote my conscience. Rick Santorum. There may be time to compromise values at a later time. But tonight, I will sleep. This is what my Face Book status is today. Then I starting thinking...what if? What if we all voted our conscience. What if our votes reflected our value system? What if we paid more attention to what and how they answer the questions on the issues that matter most to us? What if money, media, and popularity didn't enter into the mix? I know people that don't have an opinion on anything until they check in with ABC and FOX news. Really? We are going to trust the ultra left and ultra right? This fall I decided I need to start paying attention. I started rooting for Herman Cain. I liked the whole 9-9-9, tax plan. Well, we know how that worked out. Not the first time I had been disappointed with a man in power. But I still like a flat tax idea. So I kept looking...Michelle Bachman, I like her then she dropped out. My brother in-law had tried to reason with me about Ron Paul. Although I'm liking getting rid of many wasteful government programs, the military is not one of them. Do you remember 911? I do. I was listening to a podcast the other day where a retired general was the speaker, General Jerry Boykin. What I got from that is the danger of Islamic terrorism is not over. Side note, 80% of the non -Mexicans coming over our boarders, illegally in the south are from the middle east. I don't think we can afford to have the arrogance in the White House. I hope that whoever is sits in the oval office actually listens to military advisers, and the leaders of our troops. Pulling back, and becoming complacent will be an invitation to more violent acts against the United States. So the search continued. I then started hearing about Rick Santorum. He grew up in the mid west, and served in the house and senate for the state of Pennsylvania. He is Pro Life. I found that we had gone through a similar situation which we responded to the situation in the same way. I was pregnant with my last child at 35. The Dr. I was seeing at the time kept pushing for me to have an amniocentesis, because of my age. I kept saying no, they kept pushing. I found another Dr's office. I, like the Santorum's, didn't see how endangering my baby to see if he was 'perfect' would be of any benefit. The result wouldn't change our mind on having a child. Babies shouldn't be disposable. I had a healthy child, they didn't. He got a A+ from the NRA. Usually, if those two issues line with whom I can support, everything else works out.
It is human nature to want to be on the winning team. Sporting games are most watched when it's the Superbowl, World Series and the NBA finals. Even none sports fans stop and pay attention during these events. Church is most attended at Christmas and Easter. Team Jesus, is gonna win! Most of us know that. During elections, people, I have noticed will go out and vote for who ever they believe can beat the opposing party. Can you imagine if everyone voted for whom they really wanted and not who the media predicts ahead of time? I may pick up some fast food later today and have to settle on Coke instead of Pepsi, but today I am not gonna settle at the polls...Just Saying.

1 comment:

  1. I am curious as to what helps you make your decisions on voting....comments?
