Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Things that annoy. Today there is only time for one. It's called the blind trust that we are suppose to have in our elected officials, to do right by us. To me this is a joke. "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Rahm Emanuel. I have heard the first sentence many times in the last couple of months, but think about what the second half says. Think about what has happened in the last few months. Of late, there have been plenty of serious crisis's to exercise this theory.

The "Fiscal Cliff ". Why was this such and emergency? It's not like they didn't know legislation on these taxes, tax cuts, and whatever else caused it was going to happen was going to expire. It's their job to know that. But all over a sudden it was this huge emergency. We are a country that is not only broke, but in debt up to 16 trillion and counting. So when a "Fiscal Cliff" bill gets passed, what do they do? They give a $46 million tax break to Nascar. Hollywood gets to write off $15 million of their production costs, even though movie ticket sales in the US, garnered over $10 billion in 2012. It's not a dying industry. Why is this necessary to prevent us from going 'over the cliff'. I wonder if its a payback time for supporting certain presidential campaigns. Tax credits were given to the American wind-power industry which is equal to $22 for every megawatt-hour of electricity their turbines produce over the nest 10 years. No idea what that will total. Probably doesn't mean 'free' electricity for the taxpayers funding it. We tax payers are also now funding a company that is trying to make fuel from algae. As we plan our travels to conserve gas, and live with our budgets, we become investors in a company that we will never collect profits from. We were told they (the House) got the bill and voted on it 6 minutes later. The Bill was 156 pages. No one that voted yes on this bill read it before voting.

Next, Hurricane Sandy, devastated parts on NY and NJ. Promises were made days before the election that have yet to be kept. "We are not going to tolerate red tape," Obama said. "We are not going to tolerate bureaucracy … We will not quit until this is done." When an emergency spending bill was finally brought forth, (over 60 billion) it contained billions of dollars ear marked for areas that were NOT effected by the storm. And our economy is still broke. There were not enough votes to pass it , so it presumably was trimmed down to just relief money for actual storm victims. Just under 10 billion. If it was suppose to be an emergency, why did they spend the time adding extra unrelated stuff to it in the first place? Because it was an opportunity to spend more money, hoping it would go unnoticed. It was the Obama Administration’s exploiting of the hurricane victims for billions in additional government spending.

Next, speaking of exploiting, The Sandy Hook Massacre. I think they have been waiting for something like this. Within hours of the first reporting of this tragic story, the left started with the gun control debate. We have been talking about it for weeks now. Feinstein dusted off her expired gun control ban, adding provisions such as the Attorney General gets carte blanche to ban guns at will: Under the proposal, the U.S. Attorney General can add any "semiautomatic rifle or shotgun originally designed for military or law enforcement use, or a firearm based on the design of such a firearm that is not particularly suitable for sporting purposes, as determined by the Attorney General"

Today, Biden has indicated that Obama more than likely will be using his executive order to ban guns. "He is going to act." Biden said. Hmm, what next? Martial law? Curfews? Electricity rationing? Whats up with those Smart boxes I'm hearing about going on our meters?

Who is this Rahm Emanuel I quoted at the beginning of this blog? He is a close friend and former White House Chief of staff of Obama, and current Mayor of Chicago. Chicago which has one of the strongest gun laws in the country. At least one person dies from a gunshot wound every day in Chicago. That is some Utopia. Just saying

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