Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Book Report, The Harbinger Pt 2

Yesterday I spoke of how when a tragedy takes place, the idea that God has allowed the circumstances to take place in order to get to our attention is often scoffed, because of differing doctrinal beliefs. Differing theories among unbelievers are even more disturbing to me.

When we experience severe weather; hurricanes, blizzards, tornado's, droughts, earthquakes or even sunspots, solar flares and asteroids, there is a movement in our country that will continue to point to global warming and climate change. Blaming humans for being the reason that 'mother earth' is doling out such calamities. Never taking into consideration that maybe God is now, and always has used such disasters to bring us back to Him. Into repentance, and to what He has planned for us. And it has nothing to do with drilling for oil, or how much electricity we use, or food we consume. Yes, we need to be good stewards of the resources that God has given to us through His creation, earth. He gave the earth to man, (Adam), we need to take care of it until His return. I believe He has been trying to get our attention. But the world continues to be blind, and will justify their actions and focus on anything but God when hardships come along. I found the following comment on an opinion page following the incident with the meteor fell in Russia a few days ago.

This is a man from Queens, NY. Feb 15 2013, "This was no coincidence. The universe has given us a warning shot: our collective negative Karma is so bad that time is running out for this diseased molecule we call earth. It's like the human body's immune system which is able to keep free radicals from blasting healthy cells. But when the electrical life force is low , and toxins weaken the immune system the free radicals finding their way into the perimeter of cells which then turn cancerous. We have hurt the earth so badly , and the collective suffering of humanity and other life forms are sending out a negative cosmic signal. The universal power has now put us on the radar for possible elimination. This is not a random cosmic event. People with good intuition and wisdom somehow have this feeling in their guts."

This mindset is spreading and is actually already infiltrated our government. Legislation is constantly being pushed through that, ultimately will make us slaves to the earth rather than followers of the Lord, and stewards of His gift.

I think it would be important to look at a small 5 letter word, it's meanings , and it's consequences.

Pride-(verb tense), to take pleasure in accomplishment, boast, brag, exult,...prance, presume, puff up, strut...

The antonym is humble.

Pride-(noun tense), self-esteem, delight, ego, ego trip,...self-admiration, self-confidence, self-love, self-sufficiency...

The antonym is humility.

Proverbs 16:18(NIV) "Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall."

I take pride in my boys. I 'delight' in them. The moment I begin to believe that I alone had anything to do with how they turned out, I'm in trouble. The moment any of us take pride or 'delight' in where we are at in life and exclude God, we are in trouble. Oops, I think we as a nation have been there for quite a while. We in America consider ourselves to be the land of the free home of the brave.

 The Star Spangled Banner, our national anthem was written in 1814. Fascinating story about how-why it was written by the way, I encourage you to check it out. Today the song is belted out at most major, (and minor) sporting events and sung, (and lip sung) at many political affairs. At least the first verse is. Did you know that there are four verses? In the fourth, which is never sung, God is given credit for surviving the battle.

"Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!"

Today we sing that song with pride. Pride for our nation. But I believe we forgot how we got here.

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