Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Freedom of Speech, The 1st Amendment

While many of us have been biding time, just waiting for this Administrations time in history to be done, there has been a covert attack on our 1st Amendment rights. Many of us have seen it and have been praying for the truth to come out, especially over the last year. In case the only headlines you have seen this past week are Angelina's double mastectomy, or that OJ is going back to court-Here are a few scandals that affect you.

. When this incident, (that could have been avoided) occurred, the White House Administration lied about everything from the cause to what had actually occurred. Where does the 1st Amendment come in on this? The high ranking, career government officials that were actually over there were told to lie. When they yarn was told they were told to be silent. When Gregory Hicks questioned the WH's lies, he was demoted. This is why the men who bravely spoke up at the hearing last week are called Whistle Blower's. (A person who informs on another or makes public disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing.)

They, Obama and his top officials continue to lie and rewrite history even though they have been caught in their lies because everything they say is video and audio recorded. Why?

The IRS. The IRS has just been outed for targeting conservative organizations. Specifically any that have the name Patriot, 9/12 or Tea Party in the name and or any group that was teaching the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and or spoke against expanded government. As the tale unfolds, we find out that they have also targeted both Christian and Jewish groups. Once these groups were under scrutiny, they were sent endless pages of questionnaire's about their organizations. Here are some of the questions and information that they were expected to answer for:

Provide details of your donor and volunteers. Provide copies of all activity done on social media, Facebook, Twitter, of both you and your groups interactions. Provide details of all your advertising and any pamphlets you have used. List all the issues that are important to your group. List your groups position on each of these issues. List all the organizations that your group works with, including all communications regarding legislation and political candidates and legislators. Provide written transcripts of all speeches and activities with the news media. Provide resumes for all employees and their family members.

Specific questions asked of the Jewish groups, "Do you support the existence of the land of Israel, and describe your religious belief toward the land of Israel."

Obama-,  "The IRS," he said, "as an independent agency, requires absolute integrity." Lies. Does he even know the definition of Integrity?

The only agency that Obama takes any responsibility for is Seal Team 6, and 'getting' Bin Laden. Does he know how 20 members of the seals and 10 other special forces got shot down? Hmm.

So how does this affect you? Do you belong to a conservative group? Do you belong to a church? Instead of suggesting that people who don't like this country move elsewhere, why not wake up and realize that there is a concerted effort to silence and cripple patriots and people of faith. We need to hold the government and the news media accountable, with our voices and our votes. Silence Is Acceptance; Silence Is Consent. Just Saying.

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