Saturday, February 22, 2014

Thats Just Crazy Talk

Imagine if you will, a world where things that are so wrong, are blatantly obvious, and ignored. When you point the wrongs out, you are ridiculed, maligned and called names. I was just channeling Rod Sterling. You may think I am crazy already. Or maybe you will by the time you finish reading this post. I have weighed the consequences and decide to go with it. I am writing this without my tin foil hat, but that particular item is on my grocery list this week.

If you listen to news at all, you will notice patterns. Patterns I have noticed have been that, depending on which political party you belong to, that will be the deciding factor on how much air time you get when you screw up. Take Victoria Nuland for example. Nuland was a Spokesperson for the United States Department of State from 2011 til 2013. Now she is the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. Earlier this month a phone call was leaked, presumably by Russian Intelligence, in which she was talking to US Ambassador to the Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt. It was in this conversation that she said "F*** the EU". You might have heard about that. Now, if you haven't had a slip with your tongue, when your stressed or upset about something, please throw the first stone. That is pretty much how I digested that little news nugget. It was brought up as a quick news headline at the beginning of every hour for a day or two and then dropped. I don't remember anyone going into detail about the conversation, although I may have missed it. Speaking about the video of the phone recording on you tube, Head Puppet, Jay Carney suggested on February 6th that "The video was first noted and tweeted out by the Russian government, I think it says something about Russia's role." As if they were to blame for her language. I had thought that it really wouldn't have been much of a stretch for the 'leak' to have come from Russia. Putin took an opportunity to put Obama in his place 5 months ago regarding US interference in Syria, by writing an opinion piece in the NY Times~on September 11th, no less. With our NSA allegedly spying on just about every country we share this planet with, Russia 'leaking' the call would have been a clear 'in your face' move.

Not a lot had been reported about the content of the phone call, only the part about what she said about "F*** the EU" She was talking to Pyatt about the unrest in the Ukraine. The OFFICIAL party line from the US is that we are working with all sides in the crisis to reach a peaceful solution, noting "ultimately it is up to the Ukrainian people to decide their future" But if you read the transcript of the call or listen to the call, clearly US government officials are manipulating what is happening over there. One might even wonder if there are people in play to gaslight a situation to acheive someone's desired agenda. My crazy conspiracy language is 'gaslight' but this is the actual language from the phone call, "we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here and help to midwife this thing"

A few things to ponder
. Why does Nuland still have a position where she can influence anything here or abroad given her role in the deceit and cover up following the aftermath of Benghazi? Why are we in everyone's business, when we have so many of our own problems here? Do we really think that we can or should have anything to with the Ukraine government when Russia seems to have a stake in it? ~Back in December Russia bought up like 15 billion dollars of the Ukrainian Government bonds.~How long do you think it will be until our government gets us into something BIG that we cannot get out of?

I love crime dramas, mystery's, and serial dramas about government. A few weeks ago I saw commercial advertising a show I hadn't heard of that is exclusive to Netflix. "House of Cards". I am a subscriber, so I checked it out. I must confess, I usually only watch 'PG13' programming as I find 'R' and 'M' usually has too much of something I don't need to be watching. As a rule, if I can't watch it and be comfortable with my mom, my son or Jesus sitting next to me, I usually don't. Despite the fact that this show didn't fit my usual requirements, the plot sucked me in. I finished the first season in a week. I kept thinking about the current and past administrations and wondering if that is where some of the plot lines came from...and then I got my answer.

Last week Obama Tweeted, "Tomorrow: @HouseOfCards. No spoilers, please." So apparently he is a fan. After finishing season 2 this week, I would guess that he is a fan of Francis Underwood, the main character who is pure evil, and ~spoiler alert~succeeded becoming president without a single vote being cast.

Does art imitate life, or life imitate art? After watching the reality of the what our government is doing and watching 2 seasons of House of Cards, I think it is an incestuous relationship. Just Saying

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