Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sloppy Seconds on the menu, and it's all I can afford.

It’s been a week since the Primary. To say I was disappointed with the turnout and outcome would be an understatement. Since then, I have gone back and forth on what do and how to vote, or if I should even vote for a Governor to lead our state and a Senator to send to Washington. I have listened to hundreds of points of view. I have come to the conclusion, Sloppy Seconds it will be. I’m sure I will lose some respect from fellow patriots, and even some actual friends by coming out and saying this out loud. But I think it needs to be said, so here it goes.

The best men on last Tuesday’s ticket did not win. The men that won the spot on November’s ballot were backed by the Republican Establishment, out of state, big money and the media. I thought that educated votes would win out over 2 minute lying sound bites. But when you have the money to run those sound bites every 5 minutes, the typical voter gets the propaganda ingrained in their minds. The TV and radio ads that had been run, for the most part, didn’t even acknowledge my candidates. It was if they were nonexistent. The Establishment played dirty. Maybe the masses were too busy paying attention to the upcoming Patriot’s football season then they were to the actual Patriot game that was taking place and that WILL have a lasting effect on their lives.

I was asked, “Do you trust Scott Brown?” My answer, “Nope.” I will however vote for him because this is bigger than the 6 years he could win and bigger than another 6 years of Shaheen. I know that there are over 300 bill’s sitting on Harry Reid’s desk. Bills that have been written to deal with illegal immigration, UN regulations having to do with Agenda 21, foreign policy, American small business, and individual American citizen’s rights and freedoms, and to ensure local government control in schools. Bill’s to protect religious freedoms. These bills will never see the light of day as long as Harry Reid is the Majority leader, and the Democrats have control in DC. Under their ‘leadership’ Justices will be sworn in that will water down the Constitution and amend what doesn’t meet the collectivesagenda. These Justices are appointed for life. They don’t leave until they die.
I’m going to vote for Walt Havenstein simply because I believe he will be better at managing our state budget. His beliefs on social issues do not line up with mine, but my hope is that he won’t expect the taxpayers to pay for other peoples bad decisions. I don’t know if my ‘hope’ has any merit, however, I do know Maggie Hassan’s track record, and to be honest, it SUCKS. So I am gambling. Speaking of gambling, we know that Shaheen has voted with Obama and the democrats 99% of the time that she has held office. I have read that Scott Brown has voted with them 63% percent. I have a little better odds with him. There have been some positive gains across the country with actual Constitutional candidates that have a good chance of winning, and with that, I ‘hopethat there will be enough of them in DC to hold Brown accountable. It is really the only shot we have, not to have liberal judges in power for another generation.

I have talked to both of my candidates privately after the election. They know the Republican Establishment screwed them and us over. We ALL do. Neither one of them asked me to participate in a write in campaign for them in November. I don’t think now is the time to attempt to give the Establishment a black eye. Last week was. If Hemmingway and Smith decide to run again, I am with them 110%. Maybe I will have millions of dollars to back them at that time, Just Saying.
We have a few weeks until the General Elections. We cannot allow vileness that is the Establishment divide us to the point that we lose the momentum that we do have. We still have excellent candidates on the ticket for the House and the Senate in NH. Cutting off our nose to spite our face would make no sense at this time in the race.

So on November 4th, I will hold my nose and start off with Sloppy Seconds at the top of my ballot, and move on to Candidates that actually deserve my vote. There is too much to lose not too.

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