Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Open letter to the Fergus Cullen and his GOP Establishment...

I had been hoping that you and your people would have figured it out by now, but I guess it needs to be explained to you, and others that have lost their way. Recently Presidential Candidate Rand Paul made the comment that NH cannot seem to get a Republican Governor elected. It is true, the last GOP Governor, left office 10 years ago. I did get to explain to Senator Paul that the reason is that the GOP continues to give us Democrat Lite candidates.

After the 2012 election, you wrote an opinion piece in the Union Leader. You said that you hoped that NH Republicans learned their lessons because many seats were lost. You concluded that the party must “modernize and adapt principles...” Can you please say that out loud? Because I am pretty sure that if you ‘adapt principles’, you have none. Adapt means to assimilate, comply, and conform. Principles are fundamental truths. You don’t change them. They are finite.

You went on to call out certain ‘factions’ of the Republican Party, who you described as “…the motley crew of insular Tea Partiers, Free Staters, birthers, Agenda 21 conspiracy theorists, and borderline anarchists calling themselves Libertarians…” I don’t know a lot about this “motley crew” but I do identify myself with the Tea Party. You seem to think that is a bad thing. Is it wrong to realize that today’s government has abandoned the principles that this nation was founded? Is it wrong to want our government officials to uphold the Constitution? To have a constitutionally limited government? For our leaders to practice fiscal responsibility? For our Nation to be sovereign, and beholding to no one including the United Nations? To believe in the free market, and a strong national defense.

If we had stayed on the path that had been carved out for us, we wouldn’t be in the mess that we are now in. But the establishment Republicans had to go all progressive and “modernize and adapt Principles...” and it is not working. Many of us have been watching promises made and broken. We know voting records, and understand pandering. We got so tired of voting for the lesser of two evils. So we stopped.

Standing up for principles, isn’t always easy, but more and more are doing it. Yes, we will continue to cling to our guns and to our God. We will write in a candidate or a dead president before adapting again.

You see Mr. Cullen, it’s a “devil you know” kind of thing. We have no expectations from the reigning party. It’s easier to get angry with the opposing party than to be frustrated with your own. I know that you don’t take this “motley crew” of the Republican Party seriously. That is a mistake. You cannot win another election without us. Just look at 2014 Senator and Gubernatorial races. Those candidates didn’t even support the NH Republican platform. You once said that the Republican Party should have learn their lesson from getting kicked by the mule. I say, you people should start wearing hard hats, because we will continue to drop cases of Tea on you.

Before you throw money into another candidate, why not make sure that they can actually put their hand on the Bible and swear to uphold the U.S. Constitution. Those are our Principles.

Kathy Dunton