Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stirring the pot

Alrighty then. I'm going to stir the pot a bit.

Remember when Trump was running for office and he would state the obvious and we all thought that was "GREAT”? The first thing that comes to mind for me is when he spoke out against sanctuary cities when Kate Steinle was shot by the illegal Mexican that had been deported 5 TIMES. This illegal had at least 6 felony convictions before murdering Kate. San Francisco refused to cooperate with ICE and hold him for deportation and released him after a short stay on a drug charge April 15, 2015. On July 1, 2015, after "finding" a gun, he killed her. He was found not guilty for murder, but guilty of being a felon with a firearm...

So, Trump called out sanctuary cities, and suggested that illegal criminals be deported (and the crowd went wild). YES, finally someone was stating the obvious. He then continued to say other things that most of us were thinking yet didn't have a platform to voice.  He was politically incorrect. And we liked that.

Now when I get into conversation about Trump’s ramblings, and his Twitter account, I am not talking about him being anti PC. I am talking about when he is calling people names, attacking their looks, and just generally being a putz. When he acts out that way on social media, or at some speech engagement, he isn’t being cool or politically incorrect, he is being rude. He IS the freaking President of the United States. We should be able expect better from him.

Yes, he has done some great things. The economy is good, people are working. He has untied the hands of our military and we are making progress on cleaning up our illegal immigration issues. And deplorables like myself are enjoying some tax decreases and bonuses. So yes, he is doing some good stuff. But does that mean he gets a pass on dishonorable behavior?

If you have a child that gets an “A” on his spelling test, hits 2 home runs, and does all his chores, but mocks his sister at every turn and taunts the next-door neighbors kid~do you give him a pass because he got that “A” on a test? I hope not. That behavior needs to be called out. And when you make excuses, or act like it does not matter, credibility is lost.

I keep hearing how people cannot understand how our society got to where we are right now. It’s because we have bought into thought process that all things are ok. We can no longer expect respectable behavior, cause “our side won”. Truth is, if our former president had said any of the things that Trump has said, “our side” would be calling for impeachment.

I think we should keep in mind, that while we adults cheer him on, regardless of what he says or who he is cyber bullying, (yes, that is what it is called, when he personally attacks someone), keep in mind when we approve, the kids are also watching.

#JustSaying #KeepItReal #NoMoreExcuses

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