Friday, November 2, 2012

Best Laid Plans, and Things That Annoy 6-10

I was hoping to continue the blog series on abortion today. I wanted to concentrate on how Planned Parenthood got started, specifically Margaret Sanger, and her part in it all. I have been having a tough time researching her. People either really love her, or they really hate her. I figured I would fall on the latter. As much as I tried, on the Internet I mostly have found opinions of her. Either she is this great libertarian, who helped the women's cause all through, her entire life. Or she is America's equivalent to Germany's Hitler. Nobody can even seem to agree on whether she was born in 1889 or 1893. I have read her quotes, some really absurd things by the way, but no real proof that she said it. Oh, and I guess I am one of the last to figure out, that Wiki- not very reliable. Things change and get "modified" all most daily. I went to the library to see if they had any books that she actually wrote, and they had none. I took out three that people wrote about her. So I have ordered three books, written by her, from amazon, and eBay. When I get them, if I quote from it, I will actually be able to give a reference and proof that she said it. I don't want to propagate rumors or lies. I am sure I will be giving my opinions, but I want them to based on something that actually happened, not a he said, she said thing.

So anyways, until then, I will continue with things that annoy.

Things That Annoy 6-10

6. Prescription drugs that are suppose to help people but cause harm. Side effects for drugs to help depression can cause thoughts of suicide. Meds for arthritis can cause heart attacks.

7. How the side effects listed are either written so small at the bottom of the screen no one can see, or are read by professional auctioneers.

8. Cats. Should have seen that coming.

9. When you refinance your home with a company you have researched and like, they sell your mortgage to a company, whom you'd never have chosen; before you have made your first payment.

10. That I am almost always driving by McDonald's at noon time because, I have no will power.

What are your pet peeves?


  1. I have more, :)

    People who avoid the truth.. like about really dumb things... and stick to that lie even though they now you know they are full of it up to their ears...or avoid you all together so they can avoid the lie they know you know they told...

    People who do not return messages...

    People who supposedly come to visit but then spend a majority of the time on their, cell phones texting, facebooking etc...

    Animal hair on my clothes

    People hanging their feet out of car windows. No it doesn't look cool.

    People who dont stop talking through a movie or who give the movie away!

    oh and just saw this a minute ago at the store, young men who wear their pants, jeans, whatever, down past their butts- no your Boxers are not that cool and your jeans belted around your knees isnt either... lol.. enough for today?

    (Leonita Cluley)

  2. I have no annoyances. I love everything and everyone. ;-) haha...
