Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Abortion Thru The Ages, Then And Now.

I wish to preface this blog by saying that, if you are reading this and you have had an abortion, I am not judging you. I do hate that abortion exists. I do not understand the passion that people have when defending it. I do not hate women that have had abortions. I cannot imagine the circumstances that got you to that decision. I wish that someone had been there to support you to make a decision for life and then stuck around to walk with you through it and beyond. All that being said, this is graphic. And it needs to be said. Most people try to think about abortion as a simple, legal procedure, or not think about it at all. There is nothing simple about it. For every abortion that takes place, two peoples lives, will be forever changed.
Abortion is not a new concept. The methods used to end a pregnancy have not evolved a whole lot. Thousands of years ago, sharp stick-like objects, were put into a woman's vagina with the intent to cause harm, physical trauma, and to stop the life growing with in.
Women have been using herbs, and poisons to end pregnancies. If a woman went to a midwife, or a then 'healthcare provider', she may have been advised to do vigorous labor, and have heavy objects such as rocks piled on her belly. Women were also told to sit on a steaming pot of onions. Tightly binding the mid section of a woman's body was another way to induce early labor to end a pregnancy.
Barbaric practices you might say. Yeah, we are so much more civilized now, said with sarcasm. Instead of a stick, a candle or a coat hanger there are a surgical instruments.
Instead of sitting on a pot of steam, they, in recent times have, used a syringe to drain amniotic fluid, and then deliver saline, (an extremely strong salt solution), into the abdomen to poison and kill the baby. This abortion can take up to 5 days to be complete. Complications such as the saline entering the woman's bloodstream and causing brain damage or death, to the woman, resulted in many countries, including Japan, to give this practice up in the 1960's. At that time, the U.S. ignored medical journals advising against this procedure. The last written record of this type of abortion, in the U.S. was in the mid 1990's. A complication that no abortionist wants to have would be having  the baby born alive. The survival rate for the baby is high, using saline. This fact had contributed it to being fazed out. I read that doctors do not have to report abortions that end in live births. I have attached a 4 min video of a story from a woman who survived a saline abortion. http://youtu.be/y5PlZzpfHQI
Suction abortion, or Vacuum aspiration. This procedure can be used in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, for the purpose of ending it. It is also used as a tool to aide in a D&E or Dilation and Evacuation, in the second trimester, (13-24 weeks). The D&E is when the cervix is dilated, and contents of the uterus are removed. Forceps are used to pull what they call 'tissue' out of the birth canal. After 20 weeks, it becomes difficult to use this method because this tissue is "tough". It would be interesting to note that this 'tissue' has a heartbeat that can be seen and heard on a ultra scan (sonogram) at 5-6 weeks.
Instead of a mixture of herbs and poisons, now you can just pop a few pills. These days, there has been a big push to make the RU486, pill accessible to anyone. I think that I first heard of that drug 6-7 years ago. I remember thinking, 'Isn't that clever RU486, (Are You For 86), 86 being the term we sometimes use when we want to get rid of, forget, dispose, discard or reject something." Marketing and Branding, can be a very powerful tool. Currently using the RU486 method can take days-to weeks to induce an abortion. It is suppose to require 3 visits to the Doctor. At the 1st visit, the woman is examined and given the RU486 pills to be taken in the presence of the abortionist. Two days later, she goes back and is given the drug prostaglandin, which is either taken orally or inserted vaginally. This will cause her to go into labor. The process to expel the baby can take anywhere from 4 to 20 hours. She will return for a follow up visit 14 days from the 1st visit, to find out if the baby is partially or totally aborted. If there are still baby remains, or there is still a heartbeat, she will then be advised to schedule a surgical abortion. Risks for women using RU486 include, but are not limited, to prolonged, heavy bleeding (10-44 days), nausea, extreme cramping, headache, diarrhea, skin rash, allergic reaction and vomiting. The far reaching effects to be realized on the future children of these women is yet to be known. RU486 cost $300–$800.

 Today, the abortion activists are trying to influence the law, so you wouldn't even have to see a medical professional in person, to get that prescription. You would be able to obtain it online.

When did the abortion movement get so organized? That's next.

Right Beside You Building 429

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