Friday, September 27, 2013

Picking Battles...

About 12 years ago a made a decision to return boy #1 back to public education. He had started there, went to private school for 2 years, and due to financial reasons, I had to pull him. I then home schooled him badly for 2 years. I say badly because we were in financial chaos. My husband had 2 back surgeries within 2 months. He had been out of work for a while, and it was taking a long time to catch up. I wasn’t able to work 10 hour shifts waitressing and home school effectively. So I re enrolled him in school his 8th grade year, and just resigned myself to pick my battles. When you have a different world view from what is being taught in school, there can be a lot of battles. I believe I have brought my kids up well. They are strong in their beliefs. With boy #2, I did the same and honestly except for having to point out to a principal once, that having a Christmas tree in a class room was not a church and state thing, there haven’t been many battles. Until now. Common Core is more like a war. You face them with statistics, facts, and experts, and they just repeat the same unproven propaganda. I regress, Common Core is not what this blog is about, or at least that I know of at this point. This week, boy #3 brought home a Geography project. It’s called The Geography of ME. It kind of an “All About Me” book he is supposed to compile. Benign right? Well maybe if you have been sleeping for the past six months. In this project he is supposed to include latitude/longitude data on where his house is and nearby landmarks. Describe his family, religious group, what holidays he celebrates. Compare that to some of his friends. What is his most prized possession? What movies does he enjoy? What music does he like? Who does he look up to? What are his plans for his future? Where does he go? How does he get there? I.e. bus, car, walk…How has he altered his environment to suit his purposes? First thing I thought of was the article I read last April about MD having a rain tax. (Anything that prevents rain from seeping into the ground, driveway, roof, patios sidewalks, etc. can be taxed). All my misgivings about this project can be summed up in the IRS/NSA/FBI Trifecta extraordinaire scandals.  Being that I have much in common with the people that have been targeted by these agencies ~ Bible Believing, Pro life, 2nd Amendment, political active mom,~ I’m a little sensitive about these things. Picking my battles. Hmm not sure what to do. Any ideas?

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