Saturday, May 24, 2014

Obama and his Truth of 2009 coming to fruition today.

What does the Veterans Medical scandal and the ACA (Obamacare) have in common? Government run Healthcare. It's really quite disgusting that it took 40 Veterans to die, (that we know of) waiting for treatment, to shed some light in this subject. Now it has been revealed that there are ‘secret waiting listsand that hospitals are ‘cooking the books'. Obama responded as he has with every other government scandal that has surfaced over the last 6 years, "Outraged," (again) and has vowed to hold those "Accountable," (again). Jay Carney reported earlier this week the issue of Veterans Affairs is very important to the President and these issues are not anything new to him. This is true, in fact, this guy served on the Veterans Affairs Committee in 2007 as a Senator. CNN even reported this week that Former Veterans Affairs chief Jim Nicholson said that President Barack Obama is "not taking responsibility" And regarding Obama serving on the Veterans Affairs Committee, “He was on the committee, but he never showed up." I remember it being said that this was true through most of his state and US terms as Senator. Even still Obama used the VA as a campaign platform for his first presidential election.

Cleaning Lady’s Reflection: This has continued to happen under your watch Mr. President, as has a whole host of other outrageous scandals. In the business world, you would have surely have received a vote of no confidence by now and been asked to resign.

What has come to light these last few weeks is just a prelude to what is to come when Obamacare is fully implemented. Do you remember back in 2009, when Jane Sturm asked Obama if her elderly mom would qualify for treatment, a pacemaker, under Obama's health care plan? He told her that to eliminate waste, sometimes people will just have to take a pill. That’s when all the talk about death panels emerged. I personally had this visual of mad Doctors in white jackets sitting at a long table deciding who would live and who would die. I wasn’t alone in thinking this, but the picture was so reminiscent of some B rated apocalyptic movie that even those of us who have NO trust in the government cast it aside.

The picture has changed a bit in my mind. It looks a lot like this, like what is going on with our Vets, and what is soon to be happening across the country to all of us, whether you are signed up with Obamacare or not. You may or may not be able to keep your Doctor, but he didn’t lie about this, they will cut the waste where they can. You may not be deemed worthy, whether you are a disabled vet, an elderly vet, an elderly person, a child, a Jew, a Christian, a Tea Drinker, a ….

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