Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Pulling those Progressive Weeds.

It’s that time of year where many of us are outside, getting our yards in ready to be enjoyed by our families and friends. We do this by cleaning out rotting leaves, fertilizing our soil and pulling up the progressive weeds that have invaded our gardens. We put our hands in the dirt to get the soil ready for the new season of fruits, veggies and flowers in hopes that all our hard work will pay off. We know that if we don’t put some effort into this endeavor, at the end of the season we will reap what we sow.

The same can be said for the amount of attention that we give to the state of our country. Legislators in the local, state and federal government are making decisions that affect your daily life. In some parts of our country, they have even set limits on watering YOUR garden. They have also decided that if you own a garden shed so store your rakes, shovels, lawnmower, etc., you need to pay an additionalrain tax.’ Your shed is preventing the rain from reaching and penetrating the ground, so you are penalized for messing with mother nature.(Agenda 21). When did this happen? This kind of ridiculous legislation happens every day. Every day while the working class are struggling to make rent, keep our pantries stocked, save money for our kid’s soccer camps, or retirement; someone in our state house or in DC has an agenda that will affect our daily lives. This happens while we go about our work week, attend sporting events, or go to see the current blockbuster at our local theatre. This happens as we plan the next big church outreach, the next family vacation, play candy crush or watch our favorite TV shows. You get the point, it happens every day at all levels of the government.

How do we stop the stupidity? We must become and stay engage in the political process of electing the right people to office. They work for us. It’s time to pull the invasive, and progressive weeds that have infiltrated our government on all levels. It’s time to begin a real grassroots movement that will catch on across the country and provide a rich and fertile landscape for our children and future generations to inherit. The time is now.

We have some pretty important elections coming up this fall and in 2016. We may not get another chance. Do you think I am an alarmist? A voice of Doom? Let’s look back the last couple of years. Did you ever imagine that an 8 year old would get suspended from school for eating a pop tart into the shape of a gun? How about being forced into buying a federal health care policy that has a maternity benefit, but you are a man or maybe your woman but your 83? Did you ever think that the IRS would audit you because your religious beliefs, (abortion, support for Israel, liberty in general) did not line up with the political party that happens to lead our nation’s capital? And,   BTW for those of you that live in NH, your Senator Jean Shaheen was one of the signers of the letter to the IRS asking for them to scrutinize your life. Just Saying. Did you ever think that you would hear the President of the United States say, “We will punish our enemies and reward our friends.”? Did you know that he was talking about punishing Americans that don’t agree with his policies, not foreignenemiesflying planes into our buildings?

These examples just scratch the surface on how the America I grew up in, has beentransformed’ into something I know isn’t right. You mayhave had those thoughts as well. As I said, the time is now, we can make it right by getting and staying engaged. We can make it right by putting the right people in office and holding them accountable to the oath they swore to. That oath is to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States.

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