Monday, October 29, 2012

Over 53 Million

 There have been more than 53 million abortions performed in the United States since Roe v. Wade was decided back in 1973.

I have made comments on my FB wall about the lies that are told about abortion. At times, I have been told not to judge. I wasn't. At least that was not my intention. I decided the last time that I would try to refrain from posting short remarks that can be misunderstood when taken out of context. I would try to save my thoughts for the blog. That way if someone wants to read them, they actually have to go to the link rather than random comments just showing up on their news feed.

I am soon to begin a series of blogs on abortion. I would like to expose to those that don't know, the origins of Planned Parenthood. I would like not to just speak for those babies that were never given a chance to speak for themselves, but I would also like to give their mothers' a voice. There have been 53 million babies killed since Roe.vs. Wade was decided in 1973. That means that there are 53 million women walking around today, with the physical and emotional ramifications of that decision. This is something that the abortions rights political machine, will not talk about or even aknowledge. I have several friends that have had abortions. It was a decision that they did not make lightly, and most of them have regrets.

If you have made this life altering decision and wish your story to be told, please contact me, through my Inbox on FB. I know through tracking the traffic on how people reach my blog, that most get to it through FB. If you, or if you know someone that would like to have their stories told, contact me. Your identity will be protected, and your story can be told. Your not alone.

What got you to that decision? How were you treated at that clinic? How was your aftercare? Were there complications? Looking back, how has it shaped your life? How is your health today? If you were able to go back to that day, and talk to the you of that time, what would you want her to know.

An entire generation has been born and have grown to adulthood since abortion became a 'legal right', in this country. That's one of the arguments I hear all the time. "It's legal, so it must be ok." Slavery was once legal in this country, and that did not make it ok. Let me say that another way, 'It was once a legal right to own a person, and do whatever, and to make that person do whatever you wanted to. You could beat, torture and kill a person.' You were protected by law. It was your right. It was, and is still wrong.

My hope in writing this series is to uncover the abortion industry for what it was when it was organized. I don't wish to demonize the women that make this 'choice', but rather to expose the political monster that hide behind and use them to further their agenda.

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