Thursday, October 25, 2012

Things That Annoy, 1-5

I started to blog 10 months ago. The title I picked for my blog is self explanatory. It's what I do for a living. Being that it is not exactly an occupation that requires a whole lot of interaction with others, it leaves me with a whole lot of time to think, obsess even, about everything. I don't consider myself to be a "what about, or why me?" type person. I generally know when I have stepped in something and brought the stink upon myself. That's not to say I don't have pet peeves about life, and the people that make up life, including myself. I do have a low tolerance for stupid.

Here, is part 1 of Things That Annoy.


1. People who spit chewing tobacco, or gum or pizza into an urinal. That's just gross.

2. People that see you coming, and pull out in front of you anyhow, while turning their head in the other direction. Like if they don't look, the accident won't happen or maybe they just put great faith in my mad Ninja skills.

 3. How many calories are in a .89 Cent-32oz-no ice Pepsi. There is really nothing empty about those calories. They still make me fat. #Ihavenoselfcontrol.

4. Political commercials. They all lie. I DO, love my DVR, fast forwarding make my brain hurt less.

5. Bullies. I kind of miss the days when we could knock them down a few peg's without getting in trouble with the law.

How about you? Can you relate? What are your annoyances? Am I the only one?


  1. Do you have a couple hours? No.. well then.

  2. Stepping in someones chewing gum
    people that are happy to let their dogs relieve themselves anywhere as long as its not in their yard
    People that judge others, but cant see any of their own faults -
    Parents that allow their children to be disrespectful,
    Dirty fingernails,
    People who huack and spit in public like its not completely disgusting
    Gossipers, ooooo drives me nuts...
    With you kathy on the Bullies - My dad used to tell me find the biggest one, knock him on his you know more problems... he was right :) cant do that now though..
    Cable TV
    People who chew with mouths open and smack their food -
    Going out to eat and finding hair in my food...
    public nose pickers
    people, talking texting while driving - Id like to run them off the road -
    Should I stop now ? lol
