Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Sky is Falling.

We have several oak trees in my yard. This year there are ton's of acorns dropping. It's to the point where thought it might be a good idea for me to leave hard hats in the driveway for people to put on when exiting their cars to come into the house. You can be standing in the yard and hear a crack from up above and seconds later 1-3 acorns will hit the ground beside you. I can picture squirrels taking aim at us. My dog Sweetie, will be out back, and she will hear the sound of them brush through the trees and then she will run zigzagging to the house with what a swear, is a look of panic on her face. I have gotten into the habit of having at least one hand on top of my head when I go to and from the garage The sky is falling. Really? No, but what if it did? This will be the beginning of a few blog posts. I will try to be very transparent with where my head is, (scary as that sounds, for those that know me well) with this election season.

When I was in high school, junior year, I had this teacher. Mr. Herlihy. I was at the beginning my rebellion stage of life. Mr. Herlihy had on the chalk board, (remember those? I think they are obsolete now) a bumper sticker that said, "Question Authority". That had made him pretty cool in my book. When we were studying American history, I most identified myself-wait for it,-the democratic party. Yup, blue collar workers, the people. Not those rich, mean republicans. Most of my adolescence, at least after my mom remarried, we were middle class. I did put what I thought I understood from the history books aside at the first presidential election that I could vote in. I voted for Ronald Reagan. It was his second term, and my parents liked him. Then for about 10 years, I became so self-absorbed in my life, I could care less who was sitting in the White House. "Live and let live, let it be, what does any of that have to do with me?" The next time I voted in the presidential election was 92' I think. I voted for, Bill Clinton. Shocking I know. Don't judge, I'm sure you have things in your past your not proud of.

Anyways, after my prodigal child journey, and recommitting my life back to Jesus, I actually started paying attention to what was going on in the world and around me. It was then that I realized that the democratic party did not represent, or adhere to ANY of my beliefs. I began to research, as best I could all the candidates that would effect me locally as well as nationally. I say best I could, because we have come a long way on the information highway in the last 18 years. It wasn't then, what it is now. We still had he same annoying commercials, but now if they do actually say something that tweaks our interest we can google the sound bite and get several sources to either back up or disprove their claims. Both sides lie shamelessly.

It was then that I heard of and joined the local organization called the Christian Coalition. We polled candidate on issues that were important to the majority of the Judeo-Christian community. We would invite candidates from, both parties, to speak and answer questions, and share their vision. Then we would compile the information into voter guides, based on what they told us as well as their voting record if they had one. We would then distribute these guides to our local churches. This gave people the information at least on some topics that were most important to them.

It was around this time that I stepped from the side lines on the abortion issue. I went from, 'it isn't something I would do, but who am I to tell people what they should do with their bodies', to finding out that these women are being fed lies. The abortion movement started out as a racial cleansing effort and now is a government funded, big business. The mental and physical scars that are left behind, and that they are left to deal on their own is devastating. But that is another blog.

Abortion became my hot button. Also, I found that if a candidate was so called 'pro-choice', they more than likely didn't line up on many other of my hot button's. 2nd amendment rights, school choice, parental rights, traditional marriage(that's what we called it back then). So I developed a litmus test. If a candidate did not support the pro life cause, I looked to the next one. If they were I would then go down my list of what I felt was important. I drew a line in the sand that I have yet to cross. Everything else could be right on with my beliefs, but if that didn't line up, you don't get my vote. Just saying...more tomorrow.

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