Saturday, October 6, 2012

Do's and Don'ts For Us, The Flock.

Do pray for them. Every Pastor, at least those that I have come in contact with, have a love for the Lord and a Passion for the lost. The thought of one person perishing into eternal hell, before getting the message of Christ in a way that a person can receive it is devastating to them.

Do catch them doing something right. Don't fall into the pit where something happens, your hurt and then they can't do anything right in your eyes. When you approve of them, tell them. Most Pastors are affirmation driven. It will fill their tanks, give them the energy to walk through difficult circumstances that YOU know nothing about.

When your Pastor won't do something that you want, don't resort to name calling and spreading rumors. I am gonna specific in this example because I was not in leadership at the time and she was the one who told me. A woman wanted something from her Pastor. When he refused on a biblical principal, she proceeded to go around and call him a racist (which was a lie, and I called her on it.) and then accused him of having an affair with another church member. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.! And I'm pretty sure actions like this will have eternal ramifications. You will stand before God and answer to messing with the anointed on that one. Think before you lash out.

Do ask them what you can do for them, inside and outside of the church.

Do give them Gift cards. They probably didn't get into this for the money, so Gift cards could be a nice treat for them.

Do give them the benefit of the doubt. When an issue comes up try to speak to them about it. If you don't feel it's resolved, go to a deacon. If you don't think it can be resolved, personally I think you should leave. If it's a big doctrinal deal, you don't belong there. If it's not a doctrinal or a biblical issue, don't hang around and make yourself and everyone else miserable.

You should be able to call your Pastor when your in need. But don't be needy. Don't be the caller that when he sees your number come up, he rolls his eyes. As strongly as I feel that he should be there when you are hurting and in a crisis-Don't make every issue in your life a crisis. One of my favorite songs from when I was a kid, " I beg your pardon, I never promised you a rose garden. Along with the sunshine, there's gotta be a little rain sometimes. When you take, you gotta give, so live and let live, or let go. I used to think that it should be in Psalms or Proverbs.

Pastors come into the ministry with a passion and drive that is unimaginable. They want to build the kingdom. Along they way they probably will marry, and have children. Focus will change a little, but now they have back up. Don't have your expectations too high on the Pastors wives. Their primary responsibility is to support their husbands and the family they are raising. Because we often don't pay our Pastor's enough money, both may have to work outside the home, and church. Don't expect her to attend or order from every Tupperware, Pampered Chef, or Jewelry party that comes around. Think budget. Think time. Would you be able to? Do buy her something from one of these parties. She will love it. Hopefully, she is supportive her husband. It's your job to support her....Just Saying

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